Release of vehicle liens: DOT duties and fee revisions; creditors required to file electronically [Sec. 669, 1927, 2852, 2900, 2906-2913, 9450 (11)] -  Act 28
Self-authentication by electronic certification of certain DOT records -  Act 118
Special distinguishing registration plate created for women veterans; fee and Veterans Trust Fund provisions  -  Act 230
Special distinguishing registration plates created for persons supporting motorcycle safety; fees, Harley-Davidson logo and licensing rights, and DOT provisions  -  Act 226
Special distinguishing registration plates created for professional baseball team using facilities in a Professional Baseball Park District; funds used to retire Park District debt [Sec. 298, 304, 630, 675, 1857, 1857d, 2810, 2816, 2817, 2819, 2822, 2823, 2826, 9150 (3), 9443 (14x)] -  Act 28
Special distinguishing registration plates created re Lions Clubs of Wisconsin; fees, logo, and license or approval provisions -  Act 224
Special distinguishing registration plates created to express support for Marquette University, fee and implementation costs provisions -  Act 159
Special distinguishing registration plates re national guard: decal available for members, or former members, of units identified by DMA by rule; fee provision  -  Act 195
State patrol funding revised; DOT contracting re equipment in vehicles prohibited; consultation with DNR on shared use of City of Tomah facility required [Sec. 2216b, 9150 (11u)] [2216b — vetoed] -  Act 28
Utility terrain vehicle (UTV): pilot program established; definition, DNR, DOT, and ATV provisions  -  Act 175
Vehicle environmental impact fee: sunset eliminated [Sec. 2899]  -  Act 28
Vehicle fleet registration: optional three-year period permitted; fee and data processing cost provisions [Sec. 669d, 1927d, 2874t, 9150 (9u), 9450 (14v)] -  Act 28
Vehicle or combination of vehicles operating under a Michigan border permit may operate solely in Wisconsin; DOT appendix report re vehicle weight limits -  Act 229
Vehicles transporting raw forest products: exception to special weight limits re certain permit; suspension of permit and highway limitation provisions; DOT appendix report  -  Act 222
transportation fundTransportation fund, see Road — Finance
transportation projects commissionTransportation Projects Commission
STH 13 between City of Marshfield and STH 29: DOT recommendation re environmental assessment required [Sec. 9150 (8j)] [vetoed] -  AB-75
USH 12 (between cities of Elkhorn and Whitewater) environmental assessment: revision re required prior approval from TPC [Sec. 1918i] [vetoed] -  AB-75
treasurer _ stateTreasurer — State
Abandoned employee retirement accounts of a retirement system of a 1st class city may be retained by the retirement system; JSCRS appendix report -  Act 191
Justice of the Supreme Court: laws revised for public financing of campaigns for office of; amount of the individual income tax checkoff for WECF increased; State Treasurer duties; JRCCP report [partial veto] -  Act 89
treesTrees, see Forestry
trempealeau countyTrempealeau County
Court interpreter pilot project in seventh judicial administrative district authorized [Sec. 609, 9109 (1), 9409 (1)]  -  Act 28
Trespassing liability exemption under set conditions for assessor and staff making an assessment; certain civil liability immunity for owner and notice provisions; municipal assessor must publish a notice prior to revaluation of property and may not enter real property more than once per year to conduct an assessment -  Act 68
tro _temporary restraining order_TRO (Temporary restraining order), see Court — Procedure
trust fundTrust fund, see also Veterans Trust Fund
Dental education: moneys allocated from building trust fund to study the state's role in expanding access to services; emphasis on rural and underserved areas, including construction of new dental school in Marshfield [Sec. 9106 (25f)]  -  Act 28
Joint museum facility for SHSW and DVA: allocation from building trust funds for planning, programming, and site determination [Sec. 9106 (17)] -  Act 28
MA trust fund increase; provision re nursing home operating deficits [Sec. 1293, 9222 (2), (2u), (4q), 9422 (10), (11)] -  Act 28
Stone Barn historic property in the Town of Chase: allocation from building trust funds for restoration; DOA to review and approve plans [Sec. 19gf, 9106 (1)(q), (25)]  -  Act 28
Turtle Island Park in City of Beloit: allocation from building trust funds for restoration; determination re funding from nonstate donations [Sec. 19gg, 9106 (19)]  -  Act 28
Wills and trusts of decedents who died in calendar year 2010: provisions re the repeal of federal estate tax for 2010 only -  Act 341
tuberculosisTuberculosis, see Disease
turkeyTurkey, see Game bird
turtle lake, village ofTurtle Lake, Village of
``Donald J. Schneider Highway": DOT to designate and mark route of USH 8 between USH 53 and the Village of Turtle Lake [Sec. 1924c] [vetoed] -  AB-75
u - U -
Business closing or mass layoff: employer required to provide contact information of the local workforce development board to affected employees; DWD duty and support services information provision -  Act 87
unemployment _ relief measuresUnemployment — Relief measures
Employment service program funding from special federal grants [Sec. 520] -  Act 28
FoodShare employment and training plan: DHS to work with certain counties re increase in federal funding [Sec. 9122 (12u)] -  Act 28
Health insurance for involuntarily terminated employees: ARRA benefits -  Act 11
Milwaukee Area Workforce Investment Board: DWD grant required if City of Milwaukee provides certain funds [Sec. 516v, w, 9156 (2q), 9456 (2q)] [516v, 9156 (2q) — partial veto] -  Act 28
Skills training grants by TCS Board: eligibility specified [Sec. 262s, 758d-t] -  Act 28
Wisconsin Workforce Development Association grants for video conferencing system to be used by job centers around the state -  Act 270
unemployment insuranceUnemployment insurance
Construction employees: penalty for ``willful misclassification" as nonemployees; emergency rules provision [Sec. 2158h, 2210m, n, 2217h, 9156 (3i)] -  Act 28
Construction employees re painting or drywall finishing: penalty for ``willful misclassification" as nonemployees; JRCCP report -  Act 288
Employment service program funding from special federal grants [Sec. 520] -  Act 28
UI administration during 2009-2011 fiscal biennium: additional sums appropriated from special federal grant moneys; appropriation deleted on certain date [Sec. 519, 519a, 521, 521e, 9456 (3x)] -  Act 28
UI benefits eligibility and duration of federal/state extended benefits expanded -  Act 11
UI law revisions -  Act 287
Wisconsin supplemental and extended UI benefits: payment suspended due to available federal funds; Governor authority provision -  Act 1
unfair labor practiceUnfair labor practice, see Labor
unfair trade practiceUnfair trade practice, see Trade practice
uniform legislationUniform legislation, see also Commercial code
Uniform Interstate Family Support Act updates -  Act 321
Uniform Power of Attorney Act adopted re legal or business matters -  Act 319
Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act adopted, replacing Uniform Management of Institutional Funds Act -  Act 33
Uniform Unsworn Foreign Declarations Act; JRCCP report -  Act 166
union shopUnion shop, see Labor union
united states _ armyUnited States — Army
Adams, (SGT) Ryan C.: life and military service commended [AJR-124] -  JR-33
Christofferson, (SGT) Steven J.: life and military service commended [SJR-33] -  JR-8
Drees, (PFC) Steven: life and military service commended [AJR-66] -  JR-17
Krueger, (SSG) Amy S.: life and military service commended [AJR-105] -  JR-26
Mueller, (SGT) Nickolas A.: life and military service commended [AJR-104] -  JR-25
Naseman, (MSG) Brian K.: life and military service commended [AJR-69] -  JR-16
Seager, (CPT) Russell: life and military service commended [AJR-107] -  JR-30
Sikorski, (SGT) Clint A.: life and military service commended [AJR-45] -  JR-10
Thompson, (SGT) Daniel James: life and military service commended [AJR-38] -  JR-11
Vrooman, (SSG) Jeremy Dale: life and military service commended [SJR-50] -  JR-19
Wetland map review, wetland identification, or wetland confirmation: DNR to provide, for a fee, upon request of person who owns or leases the land; building permits or other construction approvals required to include information re construction on or near wetlands; memorandum of agreement with Army Corps of Engineers provision; DNR informational brochure on laws that apply to wetlands -  Act 373